NUS Initiative to Improve Health in Asia (NIHA) Leadership Program 2019
Advancing UHC in Asia Through the Use of HTA for Health Care Priority Setting and Reimbursement
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, 24-28 June 2019. By invitation only

Universal health coverage (UHC) is not only to be made available but also sustainable and every country is now thinking about how to make both happen. Health technology assessment (HTA) is one of the helping tools, which is increasingly used in both resource-rich and poor settings.
NIHA LDP 2019 is designed for senior policymakers and HTA researchers who would like to know more how to make HTA work better to enhance UHC in their countries. The policymakers and the researchers will be paired to work together not only during the programme period, but also long-term post-programme.
The programme is co-hosted by iDSI and the Access and Delivery Partnership, and will feature iDSI expert speakers including from the
HITAP, Center for Global Development, Imperial College London, and China National Health Development Research Center.