Raphael Hurley is the Senior Director for Health Financing at the Clinton Health Access Initiative, where he serves as strategic lead, supporting governments in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia to undertake ambitious health financing reforms in pursuit of universal health coverage. His work focuses on building government capacity to set priorities, secure and manage funding from donors and increasingly from domestic sources, design and implement public health insurance reforms, and improve efficiency and effectiveness in the health sector. Mr. Hurley is interested in how health financing reforms can help reorganize service delivery systems to improve health outcomes, and the use of data systems to accelerate this change. He has worked closely with Ministries of Health, Finance and government insurance agencies across Ethiopia, South Africa, Rwanda, Malawi, Eswatini, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Previously Mr. Hurley led CHAI’s work supporting governments to coordinate and manage HIV financing. Publications include a Multi-Country Analysis of Treatment Costs for HIV/AIDS. Mr. Hurley holds a degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from University College Cork, Ireland and lives in Pretoria, South Africa.